
Dr Alexandra
Nov 17, 2024
Ovulation, your Fertile Window, timing of intercourse & how to improve ovulation.
Timing ovulation and intercourse is an important part of conception. Once you ovulate, the egg will have up to 12-24hrs to be fertilised...

Dr Alexandra
Sep 11, 2023
How does Cupping work?
How does cupping work? I get asked this a LOT and understandable because it’s pretty cool 😎 How does it work? It creates a suction that...

Dr Alexandra
Jul 10, 2023
Acupuncture & IVF
This has been popping up a lot lately, so if you have queries about acupuncture and IVF check this post out and get in touch if you need...

Dr Alexandra
Dec 31, 2022
What can acupuncture help people with?
Acupuncture is so holistic that it focuses on how the body is functioning rather than the disease a person has been diagnosed with. In...

Dr Alexandra
Dec 11, 2022
How an acupuncturist can treat children without needles.
The acupuncture points in children are not fully formed until approximately 7 years of age, therefore treatment differs to adults....

Dr Alexandra
Nov 30, 2022
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture uses fine stainless steel needles inserted into specific parts of the body to elicit a cascade of events in the body. It...

Dr Alexandra
Nov 30, 2022
Pain, a TCM view
From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, pain occurs when there is insufficient Qi & Blood circulation due to obstruction or...

Dr Alexandra
Nov 25, 2022
Cosmetic Acupuncture FAQ's.
Did you know that we do Holistic Cosmetic Acupuncture? This is often termed a ‘natural botox’ as it has the effect of smoothing fine...

Dr Alexandra
Oct 20, 2022
Can kids get acupuncture too?
Can acupuncture be used in children? Yes! Paediatrics is a field of Chinese medicine that has been around since the Song Dynasty...

Dr Alexandra
Sep 5, 2022
Endometriosis & Acupuncture
Endometriosis is a prevalent gynaecological condition affecting women of reproductive age. From a Western medical perspective,...

Dr Alexandra
Aug 10, 2022
Acupuncture for weight management
Weight loss can be challenging and is not as simple as self control. If someone has been overweight for quite a while, there will be...

Dr Alexandra
Jun 15, 2022
Acupressure points to Calm the Mind
Calming the Mind is something I find very important with any health condition and just in general. Acupuncture can be helpful to do this...